I have a blog now!


Hey y’all, let's party like it’s 2012 or something.

As time has gone on, I’ve started doing more outreach and education. I really enjoy it, and I think it’s really important to share what I’ve learned about navigating academia, doing science, and just being human. I’ve mostly done this over social media, but as time has gone on, I’ve run into some of the inherent issues with those forums. First, a lot of times it’s just not the right format for in-depth discussions. While there are folks out there who are amazing at long-form threads and such, I’ve found it’s not the best for the way I want to talk about things. Secondly, the longer I do it, the more of a pain it becomes to keep track of things I’ve already written. When did I do the thread on how to be a better ally for queer students? Did I cover what I wanted to about applying for grad school already?

So I’ll be trying this out as an alternative platform for some of the writing I want to do. I hope to have a mix of posts- research updates, practical advice for navigating academia, discussions of justice and equity in STEM- released every couple of weeks. Research is often full of obstacles, a lot of times not even directly related to the questions you’re asking, and maybe some of my experiences can help out other folks. Looking forward to seeing where this little experiment goes!