We’ve all heard it- “build your brand”, “make a good first impression”, all that jazz. In many cases, whether it’s for your lab, organization, event, or business, that means a sharp-looking logo. But distilling all of your work down into a simple graphic in a way that is unique and memorable is a daunting task. I work closely with each client to make sure your dream- even if you aren’t quite sure what it is yet- can become a glorious reality.
Pricing is flexible, and for clients outside North America, western Europe, and Australia and New Zealand, I bill the graphic design (typically $50 an hour) at the lower illustration rate ($25), to increase access.
Lab logo, Pacific Languages and Linguistics Lab, Swarthmore College.
“On the Horizon: New Findings in Tick Biology, Ecology, and Control” webinar logo, Entomological Society of America 2022 meeting.
“Coding Outreach for Data Education” (CODE) workshop, University of Oklahoma STEM Inclusion Council.
SLISE (Social Links In Science Education) logo.
“There is a grandeur in this view of life” diversity logo, made for personal use (and seen throughout this website!)
Logo for the Cowbird Lab at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
My first logo, from way back in 2019! Rainbow Lorikeets, the LGBTQIA+ organization within the American Ornithological Society.
Personal logo for my scientific illustrations.